Otahu Heights - 33 lot Subdivision
Client: Kotuku Enterprises Location: Whangamata
EPL was the main contractor responsible for all works involved in this 33-lot subdivision. Works included, site clearing, bulk earthworks, MSE retaining wall, roading including structural pavement and asphalt, concrete kerbing, footpaths and access ways, stormwater, sewer and water reticulation; utility ducting and liaison with providers and landscaping.
Royal Billy Point - Pauanui Boat Ramp

Client: Thames Coromandel District Council Location: Pauanui
EPL Construction Ltd was commissioned by the Thames Coromandel District Council for the removal and disposal of an existing boat ramp and timber retaining wall and construction of a new boat ramp with a floating pontoon and timber soldier wall. Our modern machinery, diversity, and can-do attitude meant that any weather and tidal marine difficulties were easily conquered.
Our team constructed an earth groin and using suction pumps and dewatering to hold back seawater, we were able to access the site within the tidal zone during all tides.
Working with Brownmore Construction a 250 mm thick reinforced concrete ramp was constructed and using water jetting for poles we constructed the new soldier wall and pontoon piles.
North Power - BESS Site

Client: Northpower Location: Whangamata
EPL Construction Ltd was contracted to Northpower New Zealand to complete site works and foundation work for Powerco's new Battery Energy Storage System. The site preparations included stripping topsoil and large scale earthworks which involved removing up to 1.5 meters of existing material and importing structural fill. A complete network of trenching for earthing wires, electrical ducting and stormwater drainage was carried out. We also built an earth bund for spill containment, erosion control. Our team constructed 5 large reinforced concrete slabs for the electrical equipment, battery storage, and generator. A new accessway was completed with pavement construction and asphalt sealing complete with landscaping and resowing of grass areas. Finally, we secured the site with security fencing.

Estuary Views - MSE Wall
Client: Thames Coromandel District Council Location: Whangamata
EPL Construction Ltd was commissioned by the Thames Coromandel District Council to remedy a significant slip at Estuary View. The MSE wall works consisted of an erosion and sediment plan and process of revegetation. The efficient methods and teamwork involved in working a variety of machinery at different heights to coordinate the construction was impressive.

Whangamata Marina Wastewater Treatment Plant
Client: Whangamata Marina Society Location: Whangamata
EPL Construction Ltd was contracted by the Whangamata Marina Society to assist with the design and construction of a stormwater collection system as part of a larger project to install a wastewater treatment plant to treat trade waste (stormwater runoff) from the hardstand area. The design called for the construction of two large below-ground pump stations (2.1m and 1.2m in diameter by 4.0m deep), a 150mm diameter gravity sewer system and 63mm and 73mm PE rising mains. Earthworks for the building foundation and construction support and assistance in the fit-out and assembly of the treatment plant was also provided.

Pinnacles Hut Wastewater & Water Supply Upgrade
Client: Department of Conservation Location: Coromandel Forest Park
EPL Construction Ltd was contracted by the Department of Conservation to upgrade the water supply and wastewater treatment systems as part of a larger project to refurbish the Main Hut and to construct new toilet facilities. Two new wastewater treatment systems incorporating above ground septic tanks and effluent disposal fields were installed along with new grey water disposal systems for the Main Hut and Warden's Hut. Modifications to the existing water supply; installation of new storage tanks, pipe lines and intakes was also completed. Working under tight timelines in a remote location made this an exciting and challenging project.

Tairua Footpath and Kerb and Channels Improvements
Client: Thames-Coromandel District Council Location: Tairua
Construction of 590m of kerb & channel, 250m of 1.5m wide concrete footpath, 210m of new 225mm uPVC stormwater including catchpits and manholes, and 1100m2 of road pavement was undertaken to provide parallel parking and improve drainage adjacent the Tairua Sports Field and Rugby Ground. In addtion new kerb and channel and footpath was also installed along a 160m section of Paku Drive.

Whangamata Bulk Watermain
Client: HEB Construction Ltd Location: Wentworth Valley, Whangamata
HEB Construction Ltd engaged EPL to installed 3.27 kilometres of 355mm diameter PE pipe and associated scour valves, air release valves and valve chambers as part of the Whangamata bulk watermain project. Using open trench methods and working in busy thoroughfares and environmentally sensitive areas (rivers and wetlands), EPL completed this project on time, within budget and to a high standard of quality.

Thames Stormwater Improvements
Client: Thames-Coromandel District Council Location: Thames
Construction of a new stormwater pipe line to replace an old and undersized section of stormwater pipe in Hays Place, Thames. Working within private property, in and around existing buildings and services and in poor ground with a high watertable made this a difficult and challenging project to construct. The work involved the installation of 375mm, 450mm and 600mm concrete pipes, 1050mm diameter manholes, catchpits and connections to existing stormwater pipes. Reinstatement of roads, footpaths, kerbs, driveways, fences and garden area was necessary.